Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
Empowering public broadcasting through seamless web development and project management.

The situation
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) is a prominent American public broadcaster and television program distributor with a strong online presence. They required a dedicated web development partner to support various digital projects, maintain and enhance their digital platforms, and ensure a seamless online experience for their audience. Since 2019, Good Work has been working closely with PBS on a range of initiatives, including:
- The MyPBS Intranet migration to Craft
- Ongoing development for the Ken Burns suite of websites
- Maintainging the PBS Media Manager Craft plugin
- Ongoing development for PBS Hub
Our approach
Good Work has forged a strong partnership with PBS through a collaborative approach and a commitment to delivering high-quality digital solutions. Our involvement in various projects includes:
The MyPBS Intranet migration to Craft: Validating the feasibility of the migration to the PBS Hub, focusing on Craft implementation and notifications.
Ongoing development for the Ken Burns suite of websites: Overseeing the Ken Burns and General Audiences (GA) Craft instances, maintaining the custom-built Craft Media Manager plugin, and ensuring regular updates and new feature development.
Maintaining the PBS Media Manager Craft Plugin: As the official developers and maintainers, Good Work ensures seamless integration of PBS video content into Craft sites.
Ongoing development for PBS Hub: Diligently maintaining the website, guaranteeing the platform delivers timely updates, provides a comprehensive roadmap to assets and support, and showcases influential work from across the system.

Our reliable project managers and systems have allowed us to consistently align project expectations and timelines from the start, ensuring success for both teams. This trusted partnership goes beyond simple functionality and features, as Good Work has served as an extension of PBS’s digital team since 2019, allowing them to focus on content creation and brand expansion.
Throughout our collaboration, communication has remained a priority. With ongoing projects, we maintain constant contact with PBS through various channels such as weekly status updates over email, real-time collaboration tools like Slack, and meticulous project management. This proactive approach helps prioritize PBS’s projects and keeps tasks moving forward, ensuring their digital objectives are met efficiently.
Good Work’s web development and project management teams have been instrumental in supporting PBS’s growth and ensuring their online platforms run smoothly. By bringing PBS’s visions to life and keeping their digital projects on track, we have empowered them to accomplish even more and continue making a difference in the world of public broadcasting.
Good Work’s passion and talents are undeniable, and their team is staffed with those ready to help at a moment’s notice with empathy and understanding.

Leif Brostrom
Project highlights
- Development and implementation of the MyPBS Intranet migration prototype, laying the groundwork for future phases
- Ongoing management and maintenance of the Ken Burns Suite of Websites, as well as the General Audiences Craft instances
- Official developers and maintainers of the PBS Media Manager Craft Plugin, ensuring seamless integration of PBS video content
- Continuous support and maintenance of The Hub, a vital portal for PBS staff, partners, and producers